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Purdue Owl

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Purdue Owl is a website that informs visitors of how to use MLA or APA formatting.

Full Description

The Purdue Owl website is a very useful tool for English class and any other class that you need to write papers for. The website is catered to answer any question a student may have about formatting when writing. It also contains different tabs regarding different formatting styles for papers, such as MLA and APA formatting. The site lays out what a works cited page or reference list should look like for each format, as well as stylistic qualities for each format. The website is also very cost effective because there is no need to purchase the newest citation booklets. The site addresses MLA 8th edition and references to the latest version of APA formatting. Overall, this site is a very useful tool for writers who are not sure or need to learn about formatting in formal essays.

Purdue Owl is a free resource provided by Purdue University which helps students with composition. Convenient for students, teachers, and other members of the community, the OWL provides comprehensive guides for writing mechanics and formatting.

Includes guides for:
- General Writing, Writing as a process; Grammar, punctuation and mechanics; Graduate and Undergraduate Applications
-Conducting Research: Searching for sources; Evaluating sources
- Citation and References lists (APA, MLA, Chicago, and AMA formats): General formatting; In-text citations; Bibliography format.
- Teacher and Tutor Resources: Teaching resources; Letters of recommendation; Resources for ESL students; Avoiding plagiarism
- Subject-Specific Writing: Technical writing; Literature; Social sciences; Engineering; Journalism; Art; Healthcare; Creative writing


Free to Use


English Language Arts
Subject Specific

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